The Leadership Journal


The ULTIMATE compendium to The Rhythm Effect

The act of clarifying our thoughts is one of the most under valued activities in modern professional life. Especially those in a leadership position.

But if we do manage to find time and stop it is difficult to know where to start in organising and making sense of our thinking. As a leader there are hundreds of things to do and hundreds of decisions.

So… How do you organise your thinking in so much complexity!?!

A blank notebook or bullet journal is great for organising tasks and making meeting notes, but limited for leadership thinking. Gratitude and Wellness Journals are great for mental health but don’t apply to organising our strategies.

But, a Leadership Journal with specific guided questions to house all our relevant data fis helpful. I could not find one to meet this need, so I created it in collaboration with the brilliant designer Jansen Lye.

Based on the principles of The Rhythm Effect my hope is this journal propels you (and your team) forward on your journey. 

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